I Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) they are characterized by a deficit affecting the communication, i behavior, the interests repetitive and the child's ability to have social interactions. According to the latest surveys conducted in the United States these ailments affect a child up 110 born.
Symptoms already emerge at approx 12 months and diagnoses are considered fairly stable a 24 months.
The early diagnosis can he improve prognosis and the life quality of the child and the family.
Despite having a base genetics, l'Early intervention can allow for one more correct development of the social brain, hinder its progressive aticipa organization and therefore allow it skill development more functional to individual and family social well-being.
The Dr.. Bersenda deals with early assessment of the autism spectrum and of targeted interventions through the new global documented and studied Early Start Denver Model (EDSM) and the family relational systemic approach. In particular, the ESDM approach is based on interests and the inclinations of each child for favor the communication and l’interaction.