* 31 December
If you worry too much about what may happen next, it is already being realized (Nardone).
* 30 December
The impossibility of not communicating makes all impersonal situations involving two or more people communicable (P. Watzlawich).
* 29 December
Indecision and anxiety are for the spirit and for the soul what torture is for the body (N. From Chamford).
* 28 December
Reading enriches (I. Bersenda).
* 27 December
The best remedies for depression are good deeds and hot baths (D. Smith).
* 26 December
What are your goals for the new year? Think about it, this could perhaps be a good starting point (I. Bersenda)
* 25 December
Merry Christmas to all!
* 24 December
In the relapse there are already the shoots of the ascent, fragile but green. They must be cultivated with care (C. G. Jung).
* 23 December
The best job is not the one that will cost you the most, but the one that works best for you (Jean paul Sartre).
* 22 December
My center is within me (E. Fromm).
* 21 December
You can fool everyone for some time, or some all the time, but you can't fool everyone all the time. (Abraham Lincoln)
* 20 December
Pay attention to how you talk to yourself, since you are feeling.
* 19 December
Just as the mountains were built from their own history, so we too were built by ours. The important thing is to know how to exploit it in your favor (Ingrid Bersenda).
* 18 December
Everyone says that the brain is the most complex organ in the human body, as a doctor I could also agree.
But as a woman I assure you that there is nothing more complex than the heart, its mechanisms are still unknown today. There is logic in the reasoning of the brain, in the reasoning of the heart there are emotions (Rita Levi Montalcini).
* 17 December
Encountering difficulties and overcome them is the most direct way to happiness (by Stepski).
* 16 December
The child is both the artist and the painting at the same time (Adler).
* 15 December
It takes a whole village to raise a child (African proverb).
* 14 December
When the mother takes care of her child, they almost always resort to intuition and common sense, which are difficult to teach (M. Ammaniti).
* 13 December
The surest way to make things difficult for children is to make them easy (E. Rooservelt).
* 12 December
Observe your child, listen to him while he speaks, converse with him, look for it and feel it within you (G. Bollea).
* 02 December
Even if the holidays are sometimes depressing, it is useful to react (I. Bersenda).
* 01 December
Sometimes humility rightly rewards (I. Bersenda).