Who is Ingrid Bersenda?
Ingrid Bersenda is a professional Psychologist and Psychotherapist, registered in the Order of Psychologists of Friuli Venezia Giulia – n° 1255.
What deals?
The Bersenda is mainly engaged in private practice at the firm in Canova Street in Trieste with psychotherapy and psychological counseling activities geared to the concept of understanding, the definition of the problem and looking for any appropriate treatment strategies for people suffering from personal and family problems, couple problems, adolescent problems and parenting support.
It also performs advice to teachers, educators or parents, individual counseling for guidance and school problems.
It also carries out training activities, preventions and interventions in schools or in private schools, public and in special cases even at home. For years, working in fact, for example in projects in the schools of the Province of Trieste in collaboration with the Region Friuli Venezia Giulia and the City of Trieste (for example in the Project Games in Urban space).
On request expert advice works in collaboration with the lawyers and the Public Prosecutor.
E’ partner and works as a co-worker psychologist / psychotherapist for’Association Children and Adults Harmony, He is a member of the moulder’Italian Dyslexia Association and member of skin.
E’ frequent guest of television and radio broadcasts (TV Koper, Radioincorso, Radio New Trieste e Radio Trieste A).
Education and Training
The Bersenda graduated from the Psychology Faculty at The University of Trieste.
Her thesis of Degree is called social-emotional adaptation of immigrants and cognitive, ethnic minorities and their families. The results of the thesis were discussed at the workshop organized by theDepartment of Psychology at The University of Trieste and sponsored by Province of Trieste by title A meeting place for children and adults of Italian and Slovenian Trieste. The results of a search.
She specializes in relational systemic psychotherapy at the Milan Center of Family Therapy.
She also participated in master's degree in forensic psychology (passed final grade 60/60).
Besides that has participated in numerous training courses on learning disabilities, autism, on school psychology, on food disorders, dependency, on abuses, immigration, hypnosis, ADHD, national and international adoption and psychology in general.
Professional experiences
The Bersenda carried out numerous consultations and psychotherapies at her studio in Trieste, treating cases of panic attacks, depression, addictions, marriage crisis, behavior problems and teen, learning disorders and other psychological disorders.
She played the qualifying activities as a psychologist in training at the operational unit of Children and Adolescents District 1 and District 2 (Socio-pedagogical psychological Slovene Service) at The Company for Health Services n ° 1 - Triestina and at the Department of Neuropsychiatry and Pediatric Neurology of 'IRCCS Burlo Garofolo in Trieste.
She performs collaborative activities at the Department of Neuropsychiatry and Pediatric Neurology IRCCS Burlo Garofolo in Trieste. In particular she worked for example as a psychologist in Alto Friuli project.
She has worked as a psychologist at the UNESCO research project on learning disorders, coordinated by prof. Giacomo Stella (University of San Marino).
She worked as a volunteer psychologist for SipeM and as a technical trainer with l 'Italian Dyslexia Association in online research and projects in schools (eg training and supervision of screening and prevention of specific learning disorders in the schools of the province of Gorizia).
She has conducted research and mentoring students at the University of Trieste.
She also managed the activities' exercise for the Course of Clinical Psychology at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Trieste.
.... ... 2011.
She was also a speaker at the national convention of the Milan Center for Family Therapy in Genoa (2010), Montegrotto (systemic Identity - October 2012) and Palermo (Challenge to the linearity and complex scenarios in prevention, in the care and rehabilitation - October 2013).
The Ingrid. Bersenda has received 1the First prize of the 1st edition Ondina Barduzzi.
- Lonciari I., Bersenda I., Bin M. , Roia A. and Carrozzi M. (2009) Autostima ed attribuzione in un gruppo di ragazzi con Disturbi specifici dell'apprensimento (Self-esteem and attribution in a group of children with specific learning disorders). Poster presented at the 2ndAnnual seminar on issues of adult dyslexics played on 16 April 2009 at Modena (Italian Dyslexia Association, University of Modena and Emilia, Regional Health Service Emilia-Romagna).
- Melon C., Englaro G., Bersenda I., Lonciari I., Loik F., And Bortolotti. and Carrozzi M. (2012) Ricerca - Azione Traslazionale (Translational Research-Action): Sensibilizzazione (Sensitization), Formazione e Interventi sui Disturbi specifici dell'apprendiemento (Training and Working on specific learning disorders). Poster presented at the National Conference of C.N.I.S. 2012: Quando educare è più difficile (When education is more difficult) place in March 2012 in Vicenza (CNIS).
- Melon C., Bersenda I., Englaro G., Lonciari I., Loik F., And Bortolotti. and Carrozzi M. (2012) Ricerca - Azione Traslazionale (Translational Research-Action): Sensibilizzazione (Sensitization), Formazione e Interventi sui Disturbi specifici dell'apprendiemento (Training and Working on specific learning disorders). Poster presented at National Conference on dell'AIRIPA 11-13 October 2012 Bari.