Inside out

Inside out è il nuovo cartone animato della Disney uscito nelle sale cinematografiche italiane (2015) which excellently conveys the message of how our emotions can influence the course of our life (whether we like it or not). The cartoon wants to represent the story of a little girl and how her emotions (joy, sadness, anger, dislike) they direct her to be in relationship first with her parents and then with all those around her. Each emotion is reproduced by a character who animates the girl's perception of reality. In addition to this there are many other psychological concepts that the cartoon mentions on the fly and that determine our experiences from a psychic point of view. (long-term memory, personality, etc.).

The cinematic representation is therefore particularly suitable for children (perhaps not very suitable for small children) because in a cartoonish way and with a relatively simple language it shows what happens in our mind; the vision of this cartoon could lead to make children discover and see from a different perspective how emotions can govern our body. The cartoon, however, is also suitable for the adult public and can allow this type of population to rediscover from another point of view what happens inside us and perhaps even how emotions sometimes (such as sadness) they can be functional to our well-being / malaise. Good vision!