The Bersenda he has carried out numerous consultations and psychotherapy at his studio in Trieste, treating cases of panic attacks, depression, addictions, marriage crisis, behavior problems and teen, learning disorders and other psychological disorders.
She played the qualifying activities as a psychologist in training at the operational unit of Children and Adolescents District 1 and District 2 (Socio-pedagogical psychological Slovene Service) dell’Health Services Company No. 1 – Triestina and at the Department of Neuropsychiatry and Pediatric Neurology of the’IRCCS Burlo Garofolo in Trieste.
He has collaborative activities in the department of Neuropsychiatry and Pediatric Neurology dell’IRCCS Burlo Garofolo in Trieste. In particular she worked for example as a psychologist in Alto Friuli project.
She collaborated as a psychologist at UNESCO research project on learning disorders, coordinated by prof. Giacomo Stella (University of San Marino).
She worked as a volunteer psychologist for SipeM and how technical trainer With the’Italian Dyslexia Association in online research and projects in schools (eg training and supervision of screening and prevention of specific learning disorders in the schools of the province of Gorizia).
He has carried out research and tutoring of students at l’University of Trieste.
He also managed the activities’ for the Clinical Psychology Course at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Trieste.
E’ was co-rapporteur at the conference In class I have a child who…. ... 2011.
E’ was also speaker at the national conference of the Milanese Family Therapy Center in Genoa (2010), Montegrotto (Systemic identities – October 2012) and Palermo (Challenge to the linearity and complex scenarios in prevention, in treatment and rehabilitation – October 2013).