Education and Training – dott.ssa Ingrid Bersenda

The Bersenda graduated from the Psychology Faculty dell’University of Trieste.

La sua tesi sperimentale di Laurea specialistica si intitola Adattamento socio-emotivo e cognitivo degli immigrati, ethnic minorities and their families. The results of the thesis were discussed at the workshop organized by the Department of Psychology dell’University of Trieste and sponsored by Province of Trieste by title A meeting place for children and adults of Italian and Slovenian Trieste. The results of a search.

Si è specializzata in psychotherapy sistemico relazionale presso il Milan Center of Family Therapy.

Ha partecipato anche al master in legal psychology (passed final grade 60/60).

Oltre a ciò ha partecipato a numerosi corsi di formazione on learning disabilities, autism, on school psychology, on food disorders, dependency, on abuses, immigration, hypnosis, ADHD, national and international adoption and psychology in general.

Professional experiences



Di che cosa si occupa la dott.ssa Bersenda?