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From the website of the Province of Trieste: The winners of the Ondina Barduzzi Award are awarded”
The president of the province of Trieste Maria Teresa Bassa Poropat awarded the winners and competitors of the first edition of the Prize Onguemi Bornuzzi.
"I enthusiastically welcomed the idea, born from the commission for equal opportunities, to name an award to Ondina Barduzzi who supports and enhances the female skills in the scientific and technical fields "explained the president of the Province. “The data show that if on the one hand the professional schoolization and the professional specialization of women increases, much more diligent than men in studies, from primary schools, on the other hand, they highlight that it is the female gender that experiences greater difficulties in finding a job and in obtaining adequate remuneration ".
The President He then wanted to remember the figure of Ondina Barduzzi: «We could only name this award after her, to a woman, unfortunately disappeared prematurely, who has been able to fulfill herself in her work as an engineer - a profession reputed to be predominantly male competence - without sacrificing anything of her femininity. More capable than many male colleagues, has been able to emerge, placing its skills at the service of the city and then also of the Province of Trieste, combining his professional commitment, civil and political, to a marked femininity. I hope that the winners of the competition will take Ondina as a model ".
The three winners were awarded prizes for their value, respectively, of 1000, 750 and 500 euro.