Quotes February

* 28 February

Learn to like yourself. What you think of yourself is much more important than what others think of you (Seneca).

* 27 February

The way in which people decide to live their sexuality is not a reflection of something else that is wrong, it's not even an object to fix, but it is simply a way people choose to be together (T. Arcelloni).

* 26 February

Enjoy the joys of life (I. Bersenda).

* 25 February

The journey is made alone: in two it is a picnic (F. Flight).

* 24 February

Malaise or not to be? That is the question (C. Weather in Gragnani).

* 23 February

Be yourself everywhere (I. Bersenda).

* 22 February

We don't have to expect anything in life. If we are waiting for something, this creates discomfort (R. Morelli).

* 21 February

It is permissible to ask, answering is courtesy (Anonymous proverb).

* 20 February

Love is discovered only by loving (P. Coelho).

* 19 February

Childhood love follows the principle: I love because I am loved. Mature love follows the principle: I am loved because I love. Immature love says: i love you because i need you. Mature love says: I need you because I love you (E. Fromm).

* 18 February

We have nothing when we come into the world and nothing when we take away leaving it, but we leave a great mess to those who remain (dal film Gossip Girl).

* 17 February

Anxiety. This painful feeling of waiting (E. A. Levi-Valenti).

* 16 February

The civilization of well-being brings with it unhappiness (E. Flaiano).

* 15 February

Anxiety is the rust of the soul (C. R. Zafon).

* 14 February

In mourning the world has become impoverished and emptied, in the impoverished and emptied melancholy is the ego itself (S. Freud).

* 13 February

Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb trees, he will spend his whole life believing himself stupid (A. Einstein).

* 12 February

Stakes need to be set (V. of Wallachia).

* 11 February

No relationship is a waste of time. If he didn't bring you what you want, taught you what you don't want (L. Lives).

* 10 February

I am not losing my hair. My head is getting bigger (F. Flight).

* 09 February

When a person talks badly about you ... don't hate him ... try to understand him…is experiencing a moment of malaise…unfortunately it happens to people who fail to realize themselves and who are going through a bankruptcy tunnel…be patient, compassion e’ a virtue’ (Anonymous).

* 08 February

Humility does not consist in considering oneself inferior to others…but in getting rid of the presumption of one's own importance. E’ a state of natural simplicity in harmony with our true nature that allows you to enjoy the freshness of the present moment. Humility is a way of being not of appearing (M. Ricard).

* 07 February

Nobody's perfect, but each is unique: this makes the gift of our existence precious, because no one will be able to give the world what we carry.

And spring comes back every year, although the winter was long and harsh. There is perfection in the world, absolute, just as it is within us. Don't knock on doors, they open on their own if the energy that is committed is what then allows the harvest!

The next time you find yourself walking down the street, even if you are dressed in a suit and tie or have stiletto heels, try to jump like children do for a few steps. Already at the idea you are ashamed? You must have had your inner child well hidden in order to immediately judge him with a: “This is not to be done!”. Contact the child inside you again and give him two skips: you will find yourself smiling and your innocence will smile with you.

Express yourself freely in your feelings, don't be afraid of what you hear, rather, anything you don't express can become resentment towards yourself, others and the world (T. Faraci and L. Goglio).

* 06 February

There is a special joy waiting for you: you will find it only in what you love to do, and it will make your life and that of many people better (J. Mariotto).

* 05 February

Despite everything I still believe that people are really good in their hearts. I simply cannot build my hopes on a foundation of confusion, unhappiness and death (A. Frank).

* 04 February

As long as I breathe, i hope (M. T. Cicerone).

* 03 February

Confusion is that magnificent state that just precedes the next clarity. We have been educated to avoid periods of doubt and confusion, when instead we should consider them as the doors through which to pass in order to get to know the new (E. Arbor).

* 02 February

Happy and serene Sunday to all!

* 01 February

Happy month of February, I wish you many pleasant news!