Self-esteem is the esteem we have of ourselves.
It represents the value we attach to our person.
It can be of various levels, more or less positive.
General self-esteem can concern various areas such as the relational sphere, body and mastery of the environment.
In particular, the latter is related to how we know how to cope and deal with the environment around us.
Social self-esteem is about interpersonal relationships and how we manage to socialize; it also relates to family relationships and the degree to which we feel loved.
Finally, body self-esteem concerns how we perceive our appearance, our physical and sporting characteristics.
In the case of children, the area relating to school self-esteem is also part of their general self-esteem, or how school successes and failures are experienced.
We can improve it first of all by understanding what level of self-esteem we have and reflecting on whether we actually want to improve it.
Later we can use specific strategies to improve the management of our emotions, of our relationships and the love we feel for ourselves starting from taking care of ourselves, doing the things that suit us best, taking care of us and allowing us to improve it in its entirety to really love us even apart from the others.
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